Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Even when I feel like I'm trudging through quicksand.
I'm nauseas all day,
and there is just so much that I can't manage to get done...

I look at a picture like this and realize,
Life is good.
I couldn't ask for better than this.

Three beautiful healthy children.
An adoring (and adored) husband, who picks up all of my slack (which is significant these days).
AND I get to do it all over again with another little one.

Thank you Annette for the super fun impromptu photo shoot.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A warm, summery March(?) day

Scout frequently wants to play in water outside.
Of course, it has been way too cold lately.
Like- I'm cold while wearing a sweatshirt and jeans- too cold.
Today was warm and sunny and beautiful.
We had a picnic lunch outside. Sure, it was taco bell, but nobodies perfect.
Then Scout and Sebastian got to run through the sprinklers. 

Sailor was taking a nap during sprinkler time.
But didn't Sebastian take such a sweet picture this morning?

Gosh, I love these kids!
And I love these relaxed, we make our own schedule, days of early childhood.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

This Kid!!

I was having a rough day...
There I was feeling like three little kids is sooo many, and I'm sooo tired, wah, wah, blah, blah, blah...
Then Sebastian decided we should make some phone calls.
We went through the list of people he knows
First we called Papa (my dad),
Then Grandma Annie,
Then Grandpa (Ryan's dad)
Then Auntie Crystal...

 When Crystal answered the phone and heard Sebastian on the other end she let out a delighted, "WHAAAAAAT!!!???"
Sebastian thought it was hilarious.
"Again!" he said. Then again, again, again, again...
We were all cracking up by the end.
"Ok, good bye." Sebastian was done with that phone call.
Next, it was time to call Grandma K (my mom)
 He told Grandma K to say, "Whaaaat!!" again and again and again.
Thank you Sebastian for helping me get over myself and just laugh.

By the way, he is also a champion potty trainee!! 
Who wears diapers? Not this kid